An oral surgeon is a dental specialty that performs procedures and surgeries on the soft tissues in your mouth and jaw.
These procedures include tooth extractions, jaw surgery, and even surgery to repair cleft palates. Patients will remain under sedation during each of these surgeries.
While many people associate dentists only with teeth, gum health is vital to maintaining good oral health as well! A dentist who specializes in gum health is also known as a periodontist.
A periodontist will help patients prevent, diagnose, and treat any type of gum disease. Because gum disease can result in serious infections, lost teeth, and bone damage, it is vital that you take care of your gums!
Meeting with a periodontist can help you treat your gum disease and may even perform gum surgery when necessary. By taking care of your gums and getting treatment for gum disease, you will help improve the rest of your oral health!
Finally, the last type of dental specialty is a prosthodontist. This is a dentist that specializes in tooth replacement. When you have missing teeth or have damaged teeth, it is important that you get them repaired.
First, replacing missing teeth will prevent other issues with your mouth. For example, having a missing tooth may lead to your other teeth moving and causing gaps or crooked teeth. Missing teeth can also mess up the bite of your jaw.
Especially if they are teeth that you use to chew, it can cause jaw pain and more.
Not only is it vital that you replace your missing teeth to help maintain your oral health, but it can also give you a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious about your smile, but they can be easily replaced by a prosthodontist.
A common prosthodontist service is dental implants. These go in the place of missing teeth and are often topped with a crown to restore your natural smile.
Even if you don't have missing teeth, a prosthodontist can help you enhance your smile! For example, many people with worn down or stained teeth get veneers. These are porcelain caps that go over your teeth and make your smile look fresh and new.
Regardless of why you need restorative dental work, a prosthodontist can help!
Finding the right dental specialist for your needs can be overwhelming. However, after learning about each of the specialties in the dental field, you can learn what services are performed by which type of dentist. If you are looking for a dental specialist in Niles, IL, the Dental Specialist of Niles, P.C. can help!
Contact our team today to learn more about our services, to request an appointment, or to get a virtual consultation!
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