7 Questions to Ask Your General Dentist in Niles, IL
Dental Specialists of Niles • April 15, 2023

A general dentist in Niles, IL can help you maintain and improve your oral health and hygiene. Here are 7 questions you should ask your general dentist.

Do you have a dentist in Niles, IL that you trust to help you take good care of your teeth? If not, you should work on trying to find a dentist you can count on ASAP.

There are more than 200,000 dentists scattered across the country. It should make it pretty easy for you to track down a local dentist in the Niles area.

But it isn't enough to simply see a general dentist every 6 months or so. You also need to ask a dentist the right questions to ensure your oral health is in excellent shape.

We've compiled a list of seven questions you should run by your general dentist each time you see them. Check them out below.

1. Am I Cleaning My Teeth Good Enough?

Do you brush your teeth twice each day for two minutes at a time? Do you also floss your teeth on a daily basis?

If you can give an honest "yes!" to each of these questions, you might think your teeth are as clean as you can get them. But a general dentist will be able to tell you if this is the case after evaluating your teeth.

If they tell you that you aren't brushing and/or flossing your teeth effectively enough, it'll help you implement changes. You shouldn't be shy about asking this question almost every time you visit your dentist in Niles, IL.

2. Do I Have Any Cavities?

There is a very good chance that you're going to get cavities here and there throughout the course of your life. Studies have shown that about 90% of Americans over the age of 20 have had at least one cavity.

A cavity isn't the end of the world. But it can present more problems down the line if you don't take it upon yourself to get it filled as soon as you can.

Even a small cavity can turn into a much larger one over time. It can eventually lead to you having to get something like a root canal done. It can also result in you losing teeth much earlier in life than you should.

3. Are There Any Other Oral Health Issues You See?

Cavities are far from the only oral health issues that you're going to have to face when you see your general dentist. They might also spot other problems that will need to be dealt with accordingly.

For example, gum disease has become a big issue for many Americans. Teeth grinding is another issue that can sometimes go undetected if you don't see a general dentist enough.

You'll want a dentist in Niles, IL to do more than just clean your teeth during an appointment and send you on your way. They should also be able to find any minor oral health issues and stop them from transforming into bigger problems.

4. What Can I Do to Take Better Care of My Teeth?

As we alluded to earlier, there are some basic dental hygiene tips that every general dentist will give to their patients. They'll recommend that they brush their teeth more often, and they'll tell them they need to make flossing a bigger priority.

But there might be some other things that you could be doing to make your teeth and gums healthier than they are. For instance, you might want to start using a different toothpaste if your dentist in Niles, IL finds that you have teeth that are on the sensitive side.

Oftentimes, a general dentist will make suggestions like this on their own. But you should also ask a dentist what recommendations they might make to be proactive about the situation.

5. Is It Possible to Improve My Smile?

A recent survey found that about 60% of Americans are unhappy with how their smiles look. If you fall into this category, it could be taking a toll on your confidence and causing you to smile less than you might like.

A general dentist can discuss the options you'll have as far as improving your smile goes. You might be able to benefit from utilizing something like Invisalign to restore the appearance of your smile.

6. What Can I Do to Make My Teeth Whiter?

If you're not happy with your smile, it could be because your teeth aren't as white as you would like them to be. In this case, you can ask a dentist how to make your teeth whiter.

Many general dentists will offer dental services that can make your teeth whiter than ever before. It would be worth looking into these services if the color of your teeth is having an impact on your smile.

7. Am I Coming to See You Often Enough?

Generally speaking, a dentist in Niles, IL is going to want to see you come through their front door about once every 6 months. But your general dentist may want to see you a little more often than that based on the current condition of your teeth and gums.

You should check with your dentist toward the end of your next appointment and see if they would suggest you come back more often to see them.

Spending more time sitting in your dentist's chair could work wonders for both the appearance of your teeth and your oral health as a whole.

Let Us Be Your General Dentist From Now On

Have you been on the hunt for a general dentist? If so, we hope you'll consider allowing Dental Specialists of Niles to serve as your dentist in Niles, IL.

We would be more than happy to answer any and all questions you have. We can also see to it that your oral health is as good as it can get. It'll make your teeth look so much better and reduce the chances of you having to deal with things like cavities.

Contact us now to schedule an appointment with a general dentist.

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